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Industy & Solutions


Financial Translation

GLOBAL BRIDGE specializes in the translation of financial documentation for major banks, brokerage houses, accounting firms and other financial institutions throughout the world. We recognize the importance of delivering high-quality and timely translations to our clients in the financial field. For these clients, we use only those translators, editors and proofers who have a strong background in an applicable field of finance or money management. Once the translation is complete, our graphics and desktop publishing departments will prepare culturally adapted financial documentation and reports in any format you require.

If you have a requirement for financial translation then you can rest assured we have the skill set to match. For all major languages we can translate:

Deliverable Ways

Deliverable in any media, and cross-media planning and implementation for integrated publishing systems processed in FrameMaker and SGML, XML and PDF for web, fax, and print publishing worldwide. Custom programming and comprehensive solutions for web in HTML, JAVA, JavaScript, CGI, and commonly used development tools such as FrontPage, DreamWeaver, Flash, and Fireworks.

Guaranteed confidentiality

The contents of our projects are kept strictly confidential. All employees understand and have signed the corporate nondisclosure agreements.

Copyright 2000-2006 Global Bridge Chinese Translation Company All rights reserved.